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"Ecochallenge has allowed me to find powerful reasons to work day by day in the care of the environment and to offer this learning to my children and future generations so that they can make a change now."


Total Participants



Total Teams


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Total Actions Completed



Total Reflections Shared


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Participant Engagement

Average # of daily check-ins: 9
One-time action success rate: 29%
Daily action success rate: 28%

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Top 5 Actions across All Action Categories

Turn It Off: 2,069

Sustainability in Action Badge: 1,922

Go For A Daily Walk: 1,829

5-Minute Showers: 1,666

Read Annual Sustainability Report: 1,578

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Top 5 Most-Impactful Actions

Sustainability in Action Badge: 1922

Reduce Use of Single-Use Plastic Disposables at Home: 1297

Participate in Microsoft's Responsible Recycle Program: 1107

Join the Sustainability Connected Community: 942

Cook a Zero Waste Meal: 772

reflections & words of inspiration

"I join this Ecochallege as I always believe every small and single efforts count. Thanks for providing me the platform for check in what have I done, and what I could have done more, to learn, to practice and to contribute to the earth."

"I like the intentional thought this challenge promotes!"

"Last day of the official challenge, but the beginning of a new lifestyle that includes caring for our planet. Thank you all for joining me on this awareness and learning journey. Keep up the good practices!"

"I'm really proud of my team for coming together and having regular conversations about sustainability these last few weeks. This challenge introduced a culture of sustainability and environmental activism to our workplace, and it's awesome to see the impact that we've accumulated together. Thanks so much for the hard work, everyone!"

"A month is too short to be in an Ecochallenge. I have saved a lot of the articles that I find valuable (almost all of them) to enjoy during lunch and other free moments when I can continue my learning. This was an enormous use of my time and I am so deeply inspired to continue my Ecochallenges."

"Really enjoyed the Microsoft EcoChallenge! So many great learning experiences in many topics such as environmental justice, heat pumps, waste hierarchy and doing my own personal waste audit. Amazing to see the impact that small actions can make as a collective."

"This has been a blast, I really enjoyed this Ecochallenge, connected with several of the learning opportunities and decided to inform myself about several of my everyday choices, way to go!!!!"

"This has been a great experience and REMINDER of all we can do individually and collectively! Thank you for putting this together! We should have something more than once a year to remind us more frequently."

"The Ecochallenge was nothing short of amazing, the learnings have been inspiring and I’m sure better for it."

"Really enjoyed going through the sustainability badge challenge. Very insightful and recommend for everyone to take it."

"It was very rewarding to participate in the 2022 EcoChallenge and I enjoyed the community working towards sustainable goals with me. Cherry on top was this contributing to health benefits and inculcating discipline."

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keep learning. keep taking action.
keep creating a better shared future with us.

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Start a Discussion about Peace, Justice, and Sustainability

Dive deeper into our discussion course and Ecochallenge, Seeing Systems.

Read an excerpt Read an excerpt
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Start a Discussion about How to Live Your Life a Different Way

Connect your values and actions to the bigger picture and make real change in your life, your community, and the world.

Read an excerpt Read an excerpt

create more environmental + social good