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help us make our ecochallenge platform and programming more accessible than ever.

Support our vision so we can activate the millions of people who are ready to take action. Your donation will allow major expansions to the Ecochallenge Platform and new partnership and program development.

Earn 5 points for every dollar donated.

$10 = 50 points
$30 = 150 points
$50 = 250 points
$100 = 500 points

Double your impact! Check to see if your employer will match your gift.
For questions, please email

we have already connected
millions of dots

And the numbers show that our connections are have a lasting and life-changing impact. And there is still so much work to be done. That's why we need you. We need you and your support to help us connect every single on of us in this movement together.


we're connecting intentions with actions, and hopes with real, measurable solutions

With your help we can greatly expand a global community of advocates and changemakers, each doing what they can, in ways that are most relevant to them, to make this beautiful spinning dot we call home a healthier, more equitable, more sustainable place.

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Drawdown Ecochallenge

14,100 humans from around the world took action on the 100 most substantive solutions to global warming

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Plastic Free Ecochallenge

15,235 humans from around the world took action with 40+ zoos and aquariums to refuse single-use plastics

View the Impact View the Impact
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create more environmental + social good