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our commitment to the united nations’
sustainable development goals

We offer tools to shrink the gap between our daily lives and global sustainability challenges and opportunities.

We believe in local, community action coupled with a global perspective. Change starts where you are: at home, at work or in your local community. We also believe in the power of connecting our actions to a global movement of changemakers.

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is an avenue for impact on that global scale. Our Discussion Courses and Ecochallenge Platform bring the values of the SDGs to life in your organization or community and inspire innovation toward meeting these goals. Download The Full Report.

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Achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals will involve every level of community.

The Ecochallenge Platform and Discussion Courses touch on a range of sustainable development values. Building community around these values empowers your organization or group to impact the world. View how our programs connect to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals below.

Learn more about the United Nations and Sustainable Development Goals

Ecochallenge Platform


Discussion Courses


create more environmental + social good