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“This has been such a great challenge, I'm very keen to hopefully see it repeated for many years to come!"

— JM



Total Participants


across 4 states

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Total Actions Completed


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Total Reflections Shared



Participant Engagement

Average # of daily check-ins: 10

One-time action success rate: 52%

Daily action success rate: 37%


Top 5 Actions across All Action Categories

Turn Off Lights, Computers, Projectors: 482

Power Saving Settings: 408

Adjust the Thermostat: 400

Heat and Cool Naturally: 336

Disable Screensavers: 288


Top 3 Most Impactful Actions

Online ENERGY STAR Audit: 148

Walk Instead: 73

Install a Low-Flow Showerhead: 69


"It was a great initiative!! Kudos to the team :) Have gained lots of knowledge related to energy saving and areas where I can focus on. Will continue to take steps to contribute towards our goal. Overall it was a great experience. Thanks Everyone for participating in this challenge and making it a successful one!!"

— SB

"It was wonderful. Look forward to more such initiatives."

— AB

"This challenge brought better awareness to me of my building and what can be changed for the better."

— JA

"Great activity to build awareness and a routine towards energy sustainable actions for work and home."

— PM

"With today being the last day of the challenge it seems appropriate to reflect back on the progress made during the last month. I have become more cognitive of small changes that I can make to save on energy and reduce harm to the environment. I know I still have a long way to go but I will continue to make a commitment to learning and making small and manageable changes when I have the opportunity."

— HJ

"Boeing Ecochallenge concluding overall it was really great initiative to spread awareness and I am proud to be part of it."

— RB

"Excellent, great initiative to participate and encourage team toward this energy savings and realize the importance of the energy benefits."

— SP

"The Boeing Ecochallenge is concluding and I'm so proud of the whole Road to Jet Zero team for their commitment to learning, assessing their environmental footprint, and reducing our energy and water waste!"

— ER

"It was awesome. We should do it again."

— ML

"It was great learning more about the ways that we can be less impactful and how simple it can be sometimes!"

— XM

"Every small action counts, and collective efforts lead to a more significant positive impact on the environment. Whether it's reducing energy consumption, waste, or promoting sustainable habits, the combined efforts of individuals in an Ecochallenge can contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious community."

— AY

"Just wanted to share some of my results for the challenge this month:

Reduced weekly electricity usage from 110 kw/h on average down to 62 kw/h on average for all of October

Used 1/4 tank of gas for the entire month of October as opposed to 1 tank/month in previous months

Turned off heating and cooling in my apartment for 14 days total, while reducing usage by adding +4 degrees above and below normal thresholds

Turned off electronic devices instead of running them on low power or sleep

Used natural cooling/heating to aid thermostat goals

Developed a design for a simple solar-powered heater for winter using aluminum cans

Avoided using 150+ single use water bottle waste by refilling, reusing, and recycling

It's been a great challenge and I'm happy I was able to participate! Good luck to everyone in the future with developing and maintaining sustainable habits!"

— JB

our amazing collective impact added up!


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keep creating a better shared future with us.

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Start a Discussion about Peace, Justice, and Sustainability

Dive deeper into our discussion course and Ecochallenge, Seeing Systems.

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Start a Discussion about How to Live Your Life a Different Way

Connect your values and actions to the bigger picture and make real change in your life, your community, and the world.

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