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“Great initiative! A lot of learning! I will continue this journey and plant a tree on behalf of Microsoft to support Ecochallenge!"




sustainability at microsoft

2,008 participants


environmental justice

1,041 participants


carbon negative

2,198 participants


zero waste

2,340 participants


water positive

2,074 participants


healthy ecosystems

1,650 participants

impact + engagement


Total Participants


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Total Actions Completed


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Total Reflections Shared



Participant Engagement

Average # of daily check-ins: 10

One-time action success rate: 52%

Daily action success rate: 33%


Top 5 Actions across All Action Categories

Personal Waste Audit: 536

Food Waste Warrior: 513

Improve your online shopping habits: 470

Join the Sustainability Connected Community: 405

Sustainability in Action Badge: 357


Top 5 Most Impactful Actions

Sustainability in Action Badge: 357

Shop the Bulk Bins: 226

Install A Low-Flow Showerhead: 184

Every job can be a sustainability job: 171

Tell us what you think!: 147


"I love how Microsoft is having this challenge as part of consciousness in our environment. I love it and I want to be part of this initiative in the future, it really have make me reflect on how I contribute or how I could contribute more by getting ideas and best practices from others."

"Loved the challenge, learned a lot and also enjoyed discussing Ecohallenges with my family."

"Examining our relationship with nature is important to understand our impact on the planet. A healthy relationship with the planet involves adopting sustainable practices and promoting conservation efforts while appreciating the natural world."

"I didn't know that at Microsoft, we are replenishing more than we consume across our operations in 40 priority high-stressed basins where we operate. Since 2019, we have invested more than $7 million in replenishment projects around the world, ranging from watershed protection to agricultural water efficiency evaluation. I was happy to hear this."

"Learned about Microsoft's climate neutrality commitment towards carbon negative goal and how carbon footprint is measured, recorded, plans in place to take appropriate actions to reduce and replace it. It was also fascinating to find more ways to contribute to environmental sustainability by taking simple and small measures. Even a small contribution from number of individuals/groups eventually will make a greater impact!!"

"Overall, our daily choices can have significant impacts on freshwater resources locally and globally. By making informed choices and adopting sustainable practices, we can help preserve these precious resources for ourselves and future generations."

"The challenge has made me reflect on daily actions and how they all add up to large amounts of potential waste"

"This challenge makes everyone think and be aware of how important it is to keep our resources for us and the coming generations. We will continue doing this activity and contribute to the environment."

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our amazing collective impact added up!

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keep learning. keep taking action.
keep creating a better shared future with us.

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Start a Discussion about Peace, Justice, and Sustainability

Dive deeper into our discussion course and Ecochallenge, Seeing Systems.

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Start a Discussion about How to Live Your Life a Different Way

Connect your values and actions to the bigger picture and make real change in your life, your community, and the world.

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create more environmental + social good