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Blog / The People's Ecochallenge 2019

The People's Ecochallenge 2019

Our People's Ecochallenge 2019 was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who participated in and supported this Ecochallenge. Your 21 days of action created so much collective impact and has made the world a way better place.

Please have a look at all that we accomplished...


Total Participants



Total Teams



Total Actions Selected


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Total Actions Completed



Top 5 Most Popular High-Impact Actions

Reduce Single-Use Disposables 755
Research Impact Investing 513
Learn about Local Environmental Issues 486
Zero-Waste Cooking 445
Plant Trees 372


Top 5 Most Popular Actions

Use a Reusable Waterbottle 2,200
Use Reusable Bags 2,050
Use a Reusable Mug 1,953
Exercise Daily 1,698
Skip the Straw 1,509

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Every workday, I go to a coffee shop and permit myself 30-40 mins of coffee time, browsing my phone... It’s the only childfree moments of my entire week. So do I NEED or WANT this purchase, this

permitted screen time, this snacking on bfast with phone in hand before my day begins? I think I will forgive this AM’s oops and for the rest of challenge, still do my coffeeshop outings—but commit to learning something new about the Movement vs. casual surfing. I’ll still honor habits of not doing screentime during my other meals, being conscientious about purchases, reducing social media+excessive news, etc. Ok! Happy EcoChallenge everyone!

– Melinda, 2019 participant


Being a part of the Climate Strike on September 20th has empowered me to keep the momentum going. Although I already do so much, to me, it's not enough. I want to challenge myself to push further! I want to challenge myself to tell other people about what else they can do. I want to actively spread the word on this Ecochallenge and involve my family, friends, and classmates. I want a healthy planet. I want a happy planet. I am determined.

– Janina, 2019 participant


This coming month I plan on taking a bag with me for shopping and a mug for the coffee. The composting will be a bit more challenging, however still relatively easy. I have a bucket already and the area I live in had curbside composting. Sleep and diet will most likely require the most focus to maintain throughout the month. However, it all feels reasonable and achievable. I live less than a mile from a gigantic park that I've not explored much. I'm planning on a couple of visits there this October to satisfy the Explore My Area Challenge. I may incorporate some environmental themes into my Inktober Challenge as well.

– Tim, 2019 participant


I like to walk as I see the environment: the trees, flower gardens, small animals like rabbits and chipmunks, birds, even the sky. I would not see any of this if I were driving. And I tend to walk in areas where I couldn’t or wouldn’t drive: parks, the neighborhood.

– Holly, 2019 participant


I have found it helpful to set an alarm reminding me to go to bed. If I don't, I will get busy doing things around the house and lose track of time. I have started to set in 10 minutes earlier to adjust my sleep routine and get just a little bit more sleep.

– Wendy, 2019 participant


My Solar Tour wasn't a great success, I'm unhappy to report. Only two attendees. But I'm keeping the information boards -- try again next year. We have been SO HAPPY with our solar installation, and the use of electric vehicles, I was really disappointed not to share this enthusiasm (and hard dollar payoff!) with other people.

– Addy, 2019 participant

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